SSL plugins are compatible with Studio One.
If you are not finding your SSL Native plugins in Studio One, please see Studio One's guides and followup with PreSonus regarding their methods of utilizing folder locations, scanning, and blacklisting:
- How can I get my 3rd-party plug-ins to show up in Studio One?
- What is the difference between "skip" and "disable" in the new plug-in scan, and how do I manage plug-ins now?
- Studio One does not recognize new plugins
You may also need to simply run as administrator or reinstall Studio One.
Another way to get plugins to show up is to go to View, then Plugin Manager and clicking the "Remove Plugin Settings" button.
Additionally, the issue below was resolved in SSL Native 6.1 and is kept here for posterity:
macOS: To use the VST versions of some of the SSL plugins in Studio One on an M1/M2 Mac you may need to run Studio One in Rosetta 2 mode. See here for more information:
The compatibility chart shows which plugins require Rosetta: Windows and macOS Compatibility