DAWs Compatible With UF8
UF8 can communicate with DAWs in various ways:
- HUI and Mackie Control (MCU) protocols
- VST3 extensions to communicate with certain DAWs (when set to 'Plug-in Mixer' and using 360°-enabled plug-ins)
Plug-In Mixer is also available from non-VST3 DAWs, ie Logic, without extensions. - MIDI CC (to control virtual instruments and MIDI equipment).
UF8 DAWs with Dedicated HUI/MCU Supported Profiles
These DAWs have dedicated profiles for UF8 in SSL 360° software. Please consult the SSL Tutorial Videos on our YouTube page or the SSL UF8 User Guide for detailed information on their functionality.
We only officially test with the most recent versions of each DAW software available at the time of the corresponding SSL 360° release. In most cases, previous versions will also work fine.
It’s always recommended to be working with the latest major version and maintenance release of thes DAW.
- Pro Tools
- Logic Pro
- Cubase/Nuendo
- Live
- Studio One
- Pyramix
- Mixbus
- Bitwig Studio
- Digital Performer
UF8 DAW's Without Dedicated HUI/MCU Profiles
The following DAW's have been known to work with UF8 but do not have dedicated profiles within SSL 360°.
Some of these DAWs may have had light testing or no testing. Please note that while basic functions may work you may experience issues with more advanced functions.
Any DAW that supports MCU or HUI should have some basic functionality.
Blackmagic Davinci Resolve
To set up a Mackie Controller in DaVinci Resolve:
- Navigate to DaVinci Resolve -> Preferences -> Control Panels tab
- Make sure ‘use MIDI audio console’ is checked
- Under ‘MIDI Protocol’, select either HUI or MCU, depending on your chosen DAW mode in SSL 360 (see below)
- Select your MIDI Port Source and Destination based on the port used in SSL 360o (DAW Layer 1 = Port 1, DAW Layer 2 = Port 5, DAW Layer 3 = Port 9)
- If UF8 does not sync to the DAW, restart Davinci Resolve
SSL 360° Profile Options and Working Features:
MCU (Recommended)– SSL 360° set to Logic Profile
· Fader control (though silkscreen values do not match)
· Left-Right Panning
· Transport control
· Select, Solo and Cut functions
· Navigation and Focus mode of the Channel Encoder
· All Automation modes
HUI - SSL 360 set to Pro Tools Profile
· Fader Control (though silkscreen values do not match)
· Left-Right Panning
· Transport control
· Select, Solo and Cut functions
· Focus mode of the Channel Encoder
· Navigation mode of the Channel Encoder moves the curser through the timeline
Sequoia and Samplitude
In SSL 360° choose 'Logic or Studio One' as the profile
Runs normally according to current observation.
Adobe Premier Pro
In SSL 360° choose 'Logic or Studio One' as the profile
Basic controls are available including transport, pan, banking, metering, mute/solo/record arm, fader values (I/O V-Pot switch on), and pan values (pan switch on).
FL Studio
In SSL 360° choose 'Logic' as the profile
Works as per FL Studio's Mackie Control protocol implementation.
FL Studio does not support MCU extenders, therefore only supports 1 x UF8/UF1 controller.
Please note, some MCU functions have been re-purposed to perform different commands than the Logic labelling suggests. Please consult FL Studio forums for more information.
Cakewalk is not supported.
In SSL 360° choose 'Logic or Studio One' as the profile
Basic controls are available including transport, pan, banking, metering, mute/solo/record arm, fader values.
UF8 and Eucon Compatibility
Eucon is not compatible with UF8. Please disable Eucon when using SSL devices. If Eucon is enabled, metering and plug-in control will be disabled.
Related error messages:
- HUI must be MIDI controller #1 to assign/edit inserts.
UF8 and Sigma
Delta Control plug-ins can be controlled (as can all plug-ins) via MCU from UF8.
The Delta Control plug-in in turn will control Sigma.
Please see the DAW setup guide section in the Sigma Delta manual for guidance on Control Surface setup.
Please note UF8 does not have a dedicated Sigma profile like Nucleus 2, but the above method will work to control Sigma indirectly.
UF8 Compared To Nucleus 2
Control only - UF8 is purely a control surface. No analogue mic amps, soundcard or monitoring.
Expandable – A UF8 system can scale from one UF8 (8 faders) to four UF8s (32 faders). Each UF8 added adds a further 43 assignable keys.
SSL V-MIDI vs ipMIDI – UF8 uses an SSL V-MIDI (Virtual MIDI) driver, which is installed as part of the SSL 360° software. UF8 hardware connects via a USB cable directly to the DAW computer (or via a USB hub). This means there’s no network configuration required, as there is with Nucleus 2. It’s a more straight-forward setup process for the user.
HUI & MCU – Both UF8 and Nucleus 2 use HUI and MCU protocols to integrate with the various DAWs. However, many areas of DAW control are improved with UF8, specifically CHANNEL and PLUGIN modes for Pro Tools, which offer functionality above and beyond Nucleus 2.