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Nucleus 1 Legacy Resources

Compatibility information for Mac users:

The Nucleus 1 USB audio interface is compatible with macOS up through 10.10 Yosemite. It is not compatible with macOS after Yosemite.

Is the Nucleus USB2 audio interface compatible with USB3 Macs?
Is the Nucleus USB2 audio interface compatible with El Capitan?



Product Videos

Nucleus with Pro Tools
How to set up the SSL Nucleus control surface with Avid Pro Tools... and Nucleus Pro Tools Tips & Tricks.
Download a hi-res version of this video in QuickTime format (461 MB)

Nucleus with Logic Pro
How to set up the SSL Nucleus control surface with Apple Logic Pro... and Nucleus Logic Tips & Tricks.
Download a hi-res version of this video in QuickTime format (543 MB)

Nucleus with Cubase/Nuendo
How to set up the SSL Nucleus control surface with Steinberg Cubase/Nuendo... and Nucleus Cubase/Nuendo Tips & Tricks.
Download a hi-res version of this video in QuickTime format (560 MB)

Nucleus with Ableton Live
How to set up the SSL Nucleus control surface with Ableton Live… and Nucleus Ableton Tips & Tricks.
Download a hi-res version of this video in QuickTime format (458 MB)

An Introduction to SSL Nucleus
A brief overview of the concepts and capabilities of Nucleus. Watch.

SSL Nucleus Tour
Damien Egan demonstrates the features of the Nucleus and explains how it works as an all-in-one control surface for your project studio. Watch.


Maintenance Videos

Nucleus Centre Card replacing the Nucleus centre card.Watch

Nucleus Channel Card replacing the Nucleus channel card.Watch

Nucleus CPU replacing the Nucleus CPU.Watch

Nucleus Fader Servo Card replacing the Nucleus fader servo card.Watch

Nucleus IO Card replacing the Nucleus IO card.Watch

Nucleus Mic Amp Card replacing the Nucleus mic amp card.Watch

Nucleus PSU replacing Nucleus power supplies.Watch
Please note Nucleus 1 uses two separate internal power supplies:
37357GWC  SMPS UNIV 80W 5V +/- 15V OPEN FRAME POWERSOLVE MHP100-51515, XP ECM100UT33-XE0353A



Legacy Documents

Nucleus User Guide: Download
Nucleus Installation Guide: Download
Nucleus Dimensions Drawing: Download
Pro Tools Standard Nucleus Profile: Download
Cubase & Nuendo Standard Nucleus Profile: Download
Logic Standard Nucleus Profile: Download
Live Standard Nucleus Profile: Download
Studio One Standard Nucleus Profile: Download
Nucleus Setup Tutorial for Reason: Download
Nucleus Setup Tutorial for Pyramix: Download
Nucleus Setup Tutorial for Reaper: Download