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UF8 and Pro Tools     

Problems with Nudge mode in Pro Tools on a Mac?

Make sure that you have enabled accessibility for Pro Tools in system preferences.

To do that go to the Mac system preferences>Security & Privacy>Privacy icon.

Scroll down the list, choose Accessibility, and tick the Pro Tools app box.

Cannot access mute control for sends when in FLIP mode

When in FLIP mode and controlling sends, pressing the V-Pots to toggle between send pre/post and mute controls does not function.
This is a known issue with Pro Tools HUI. 


Pro Tools "this device is not working properly” error

It is important that the DAW app is not running during the SSL 360 installation process. Some DAW apps hold onto the virtual MIDI ports, which will interrupt the install process.

To install drivers correctly, close all DAW applications before installation.

Symptoms: unable to control the DAW or set control surface options in SSL 360.

If you have installed with the DAW open, please uninstall and reinstall again with the DAW closed.