LiveTrax by Harrison Audio is an efficient multitrack recording and virtual soundcheck software that seamlessly integrates with SSL Live consoles. LiveTrax is designed for capturing live performances ranging from small intimate events to large-scale concerts and productions. It focuses on the essential tools required for capturing live recordings quickly and efficiently without complication. Its user-friendly interface is simple to use for band rehearsals and large orchestras.
When paired with an SSL Live console, LiveTrax can create a marker when you recall a console automation scene during recording and can then jump to follow your scenes fired from the consoles during virtual soundcheck. SSL Live console channel names can be easily transferred to LiveTrax for quick organisation and session management.
This document gives instructions to get you up and running with SSL Live consoles and Harrison LiveTrax software integration. For further information of the full LiveTrax features please see the LiveTrax manual.
Track Names
Once your SSL Live consoles showfile has been fully configured, use the Consoles Config, Export Channel Names feature – see here. This CSV file includes all the console channel names in column 2, each row is a mono equivalent.
For Stereo (or other multi format) channels a capital L and R is added to the end of the channel name used on each row. Similarly, LCR, 4.0 and 5.1 are appended with the leg in the following orders:
- LCR: L, C, R
- 4.0: L, R, LS, RS
- 5.1: L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE
In Harrison LiveTrax setup you session with the required number of tracks (mono tracks are advised for simplicity) and navigate to Preferences, Control Surfaces.
Tick SSL Live then Show Protocol Settings, to open the configuration. If ipMIDI is installed this will default to 01. Ethernet MIDI for both incoming and outgoing (this is for future use).
Import track names from a CSV file will open a file browser where the SSL formatted CSV file can be opened, resulting in the LiveTrax tracks having the same names as the channels on the console.
Scene Markers
LiveTrax can create a marker when you recall a console automation scene during recording and can then jump to follow your scenes fired from the consoles during virtual soundcheck.
Use LiveTrax MIDI Connection Manager to connect live track Scene In and Scene Out to the console via MIDI. This will typically be ipMIDI with ipMIDI app running on the machine hosting LiveTrax.
Note: If you are using Dante and DVS on the LiveTrax computer, you will need separate network adapters for Dante and ipMIDI. The computer must be configured so ipMIDI uses the correct adapter – see Livehelp ipMIDI.
To create markers, configure LiveTrax to: Create a marker when a MIDI program change is received (and RECORDING)
Scene markers are mapped to PGM change, Channel 1, PRG Number = Scene Number
In SSL Live Automation add MIDI Output actions with PGM changes to any scene you want an associated LiveTrax live marker with. E.g. Scene 2.
This guide assumes audio routing and console recorder rehearsal modes have already been configured in your SSL Live console showfile.
During rehearsal, or when recording your show, set LiveTrax to record and fire scenes on the consoles creating markers in LiveTrax. When the rehearsal is finished you will have all your multitrack recorded with markers at the points you fired scenes. With LiveTrax not in record you can now jump around the set using the console scenes with playback automatically following, ideal for testing different songs within a set during virtual sound check.