SSL are pleased to offer an educational discount on the subscription service SSL Complete and Complete Access with Slate Digital.
This applies to the yearly paid subscription only. There is educational discount available to the perpetual licences purchased through the SSL store.
Students with a current subscription
For students with a current subscription, will the new educational subscription override my existing plan?
- for M2M, there is no commitment so you can cancel auto renew and sign up for education subscription at the end of the month.
- for Annual Paid Monthly, Subscribers will need to wait until the end of their 12-month contract before they can re-sign up with a new educational account, but you can contact Support If you have any questions about the status or billing period for your account.
- Annual Paid Upfront, you will need to wait until the end of your 12-month contract before you can resign up with a new educational account.
How it works.
We will be using a verification service service called When you indicate that you are looking for the Educational discount you will taken to the system to verify your details. All information entered here will not be accessible by SSL/Slate Digital. Any issues with or manual verification you will need to contact the Support team. SSL/Slate Digital are not able to change or influence the verification process.