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SSL Windows ASIO V5.58 Driver setup


V5.58.05 Download

SSL USB Audio Driver Setup instructions

The SSL USB ASIO/WDM v.5.58.05 adds support for multiple ASIO instances. This means that you can have multiple ASIO applications working with multiple SSL USB devices. For example, SSL 2 working with Pro Tools and SSL 12 working with Ableton Live. Meaning that the driver can be used in a Multi Client environment.

Even if you do not plan to use multiple ASIO devices, there have been some changes in how the driver presents to the DAW and as such, you need to follow the below steps to have your SSL USB audio device work with your DAW – you need to link your desired SSL device to one of the 4 ASIO Driver instances in the control panel and then choose that same Driver (SSL ASIO Driver X) in your DAW.

Step 1 – Go to the SSL USB Control Panel

1 - Pre-selection Driver.png


Step 2 – Select your SSL USB audio device

2 - Device Selection.png

3 - Populated Driver Window.png

Step 3 – Select your ASIO Device on the ASIO Device page of the USB Control Panel

4 - ASIO Device Selection.png

Step 4 – Choose the ASIO Device Driver in your DAW.

5 - DAW Driver List trimmed.png