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Using two SSL 18 simultaneously

It is possible to use two SSL 18's simultaneously. This is beneficial as you can expand your interface and achieve 16 channels of analogue inputs (8 are received digitally) at 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz and 96kHz. The recommended setup utilises a set of ADAT I/O.

Please note, SSL 360 cannot connect to more than one SSL 18 at a time but that does not matter in order to achieve passing audio from one to the other. 


Method 1: Connection via ADAT

By using ADAT, you can record the additional 8 I/O through 1 audio interface. It also enables clocking via ADAT, eliminating the risk of drift.
If you wish to clock via S/PDIF rather than ADAT, clock the 'Slave' to S/PDIF (step 11).

Set up:

  1. Choose which SSL 18 will act as the 'Master'. This will internally clock.
  2. The second SSL 18 will act as the 'Slave'. This will clock via ADAT (or S/PDIF) and will also be connected to the computer via USB.
  3. Connect the ADAT Out (1) on the Master to the ADAT In (1) on the Slave.
    SSL 18 Rear ADAT out - in.png
    Please note: If using a sample rate of 88.2 or 96kHz, you must also connect the Master Out (2) to the Slave In (2) because the 8 channels require both ADAT ports (4 channels per port). If clocking via S/PDIF, please also connect the Master S/PDIF Out to the Slave S/PDIF In.

  4. Plug the USB into the Master.
  5. Open Audio MIDI Setup (macOS) or SSL USB Control Panel (Windows) and select the SSL 18.
    Master Orig.pngNew USB Control Panel Status.png

  6. Click 'Clock Source' and select Internal.
    Master Orig clock.pngMaster Clock Source.png

  7. Select Sample Rate and choose your preferred option.

    SSL Master 48.pngSample rate choice.png

  8. Open 360° > SSL 18.
  9. Locate the 'Mirror Out' function at the bottom of each analogue input's mixer strip. Click on it and assign and ADAT output. In the example below we are routing analogue input 1 out of ADAT output 1. 
    Mirror out setting.png
    Please note: You can dictate whether this signal path is Pre or Post fader.
  10. Repeat this sequentially for all 8 analogue inputs. e.g. Analogue Input 1 --> ADAT Output 1, Analogue Input 2 --> ADAT Output 2 etc.
    Mirror out for all.png

  11. Unplug the USB from the Master.
  12. Connect the Slave to the computer via USB.
  13. Open Audio MIDI Setup (macOS) or SSL USB Control Panel (Windows) and select the SSL 18.Master Orig.pngNew USB Control Panel Status.png

  14. Click 'Clock Source' and select ADAT (Optical 1). If clocking via S/PDIF, select 'S/PDIF (Coaxial)'.
    Slave clock ADAT.pngADAT Clock.png

  15. Both SSL 18's will now display the same sample rate on the front panel and the Slave's 'DIG' message will remain illuminated.
  16. Open 360° > SSL 18.
  17. Connect an audio source, such as a dynamic microphone, into one of the Master's analogue inputs.
  18. Increase the gain of the channel and check that signal is being received on the ADAT Input path of the Slave:

  19. Setup the Slave SSL 18 as your Playback device within your DAW as you normally would.

Method 2: Aggregate device or ASIO4ALL Driver

Alternatively, you can create an Aggregate Device (macOS) or an ASIO4ALL Driver (Windows).

Please note, the ASIO4ALL Driver is a 3rd party driver and therefore we are unable to support any issue you may experience with this.